Preliminary report with RECOMMENDATION OF augmentation of water supply situation through development of dug well
(OLD and NEW) and pond sources in Port Blair Municipal Council Area
Central Ground water board
SHRI AMLANJYOTI KAR, Scientist – ‘C’ (Sr.Hydrogeologist)
Eastern region
February, 2003
1. In view of recurring severe paucity of rainfall, in each and every site, which are recommended by CGWB (e.g. construction of collector/dug well with sub-surface dyke), 1 to 5 numbers of check weir as per required dimension, recommendation and the site condition may be constructed.
2. During such construction, the collector/dug well is to constructed at the initial stage followed by construction of check weir and finally by construction of sub surface dyke.
3. During construction of check weirs there should be adequate provision for sub-surface flow of impounded water.
4. During construction of sub-surface dyke the depth must reach at least 20 to 50 cms below the hard basement rock and in such cases the depth of construction may be increased further if basement rock is not obtained within the prescribed depth.
5. During construction of dug - cum-bore well, in the initial stage one test drilling is to be conducted to adjudge the potential of sub-surface hard rock formation as also the quality of water. If the result is satisfactory, the other two wells (or more well if recommended) may be constructed as per recommendation. The drilling is to be taken up first and top of the casing may be sealed and the construction of the dug well may be taken up subsequently. The other structures i.e. construction of check weir and sub-surface dyke may follow the above construction.
6. If properly constructed as per recommendation, an artificial recharge and conservation structure of ground water with subsurface dyke, collector well & check weir may yield 30,000 to 50,000 liters of water per day. A dugwell with 4.5 to 5 mtr. dia, 6 mtr depth (without any recharge and conservation structure i.e. check weir and sub surface dyke) may yield 3000 to 5000 liters/day. At places in favourable locations the yield may reach to the tune of 15000 liters/day. In case of dug-cum-bore well with check weir, subsurface dyke and successful wells the yield may reach upto 1 lakhs to 1.5 lakhs liters per day.
AMLANJYOTI KAR, Scientist - ‘C’ (Sr. Hydrogeologist)
Central Ground Water Board, Eastern Region, Kolkata.
Need for renovation of all old English and Japanese dug wells and ponds as also to find out the new ground water sources spread all over the town of Port Blair was being felt since long. In this regard the author had earlier discussion with Chief Engineer, APWD in the year 2000-01 as also with the Assistant Engineer (Water Supply), PBMC and apprised them. With the active effort of the then Assistant Engineer (Water Supply), PBMC and the author in consultation with APWD, cleaning and yield testing of old wells located nearby Mazhar and stadium was done with hydrological and Geophysical studies. Few sources were immediately recommended to APWD for necessary action. After that, the work could not be proceeded further. The secretary, Port Blair Municipal Council Vide his letter No. 2/AE/WS/MC/2001/896 dated 3/3/2001 requested Chief Engineer, APWD to get five spots in PBMC area surveyed by the Scientist (the author),CGWB for water supply augmentation. In view of the extreme water supply crisis felt during 2002 summer, PBMC contemplated to renovate and construct dug wells inside the Municipal area. It is also being apprehended that same type of situation may recur. In this regard, discussions were held at PBMC with the Hon’ble M.P of A&N Island for getting the sources surveyed by CGWB.
Consequently in pursuance of the request received through fax message on 31.10.2002 from Hon’ble M.P. of A&N Islands, Shri Bishnu Pada Ray, Regional Director, CGWB immediately deputed the author for an urgent survey work inside Port Blair Municipal Council area for augmentation of water supply source to combat the water scarcity situation in peak summer months. For the survey work the author arrived at Port Blair on 1.11.2002. Immediately after his arrival, a discussion was held and a brief visit was taken in the Port Blair Municipal Council area headed by the Hon’ble M.P. of
Fig. 1: Shri Bishnu Pada Ray, MP A & N Islands visiting the groundwater augmentation sites in Port Blair on 01-11-2002
In the same day evening one meeting was held at Port Blair Municipal Council Conference Hall under the Chairmanship of Hon’ble M.P. of A&N Islands where all Councillors including the Chairperson, Secretary, Executive Engineer Assistant Engineer (water) and other AE’s of Port Blair Municipal Council were present. During the meeting, the councillors asked many questions to the author regarding the possibility of water supply augmentations. In the meeting it was decided that the author would visit all the wards with the help of EE, PBMC and (AE, Water Supply) while the respective councillors would be present to appraise him (the author) over the scarcity problem and he/she will show the sources to the author for his necessary action. Accordingly as per the instruction of Chairman, PBMC and EE, PBMC, AE, (Water Supply) assisted the author during his reconnaitory inspection visit along with the councillors and the same was completed on 12.11.2002. After that with the assistance of technical personnel of water supply sub-division the survey work was started. In the meeting it was also decided that the author would visit all the sites shown by the councillors as also the sites he thinks suitable for development. From that few of the schemes will be executed from MPLAD funds, where as the bulk of the supply schemes will be taken over by the PBMC for execution. This report contains recommendation of schemes falling in the entire eighteen wards of PBMC, which are to be executed both through PBMC and MPLAD funds as desired by the Hon’ble MP.
This report is submitted based upon the preliminary survey carried out by the author. As per the discussion held as PBMC in the presence of MP, A&N Island and the author, this recommendation report is prepared and submitted so that preliminary formalities could be completed in advance otherwise it will not be possible to execute all this sources by this working season to tide over any natural disaster (drought situation) in the ensuing future.
Climate & Rainfall :
The town of Port Blair enjoys tropical climate typified by scorching sunshine, high rate of evaporation and heavy rainfall, to the tune of (average) 3000mm per year. Study of the rainfall records suggest that, for the last three years there is a negative deviation of rainfall from the normal which is to the tune of 300 mm to 400 mm. In 2002, the rainfall aberration was maximum which facilitated drying up of Dhanikhari dam coupled with high evaporation due to prolonged dry spell. (Fig –
Topography :
In and around the town of
Geology :
The town of Port Blair i.e. the Port Blair Municipal Council area is underlain mostly by the Marine Sedimentary group of rocks comprising shales and fine grained cemented sand stones which are seen to be exposed in small laminations (Fig – 5). Only in parts of Ward No. 17, in Brookshabad area and in Austinabad area (adjacent Ward No. 18) volcanic & intrusive rocks are available. Porous coralline formations which are available in many islands, are absent in and around the town of Port Blair barring a small patch of coralline sands are seen nearby Corbyns’s cove beach and Peerless Beach Resort Hotel. (Plate – 1)
Because of the rheologic character of the Marine sedimentary rocks, these rocks (comprising shale and fine grained sandstone) do not form good repository of ground water. Detailed surveys ad investigations carried out by CGWB revealed that in shallow horizons, these rock formations (Plate 1 ) are weathered (predominately clayey residue) and are tapped by dug wells. These dug wells are poor water yielder. A dug well properly sited in low topography and 4.5 to 5 mtr dia, 6 mtr deep can yield 3000 to 5000 liters per day. Where as the dug well in Peerless Beach resort (underlain by coralline formation) even with lesser dia (3 mtr) yielding over 15,000 litre per day. In volcanic rocks (as seen in Brookshabad area) groundwater development is possible through borewells (Fig. - 6) . The exploratory drilling programme of CGWB revealed that the Marine sedimentary group of rocks in and around the town area did not yield even at greater depth (200 m drilling target was kept) while in volcanics at Calicut and at Bednabad area, the drilling was successful and now also being the main water supply wells to the localities. Recently lot of private drilling have been conducted at Calicut , Kamrajnagar, Bednabad and
Brichgunj areas. These are being done in an uncontrolled manner which may lead to the areas turning to a permanent over exploited pocket. These should be done in judicious way taking the help of CGWB. However, in the conclusion it may be opined that for ground water development, drilling is not feasible in major part of PBMC area where as at Brookshabad (not yet explored) drilling may be taken up taking the advice of CGWB.
Although in the part of Port Blair town area ground water is not available in good quantity but it is observed by CGWB that lot of water is being carried to the sea along the stream channels as base flow even in the dry season since the stream borne materials (gravels, boulders) are highly porous. From this observation CGWB has arrived into the conclusion of tapping good quantity of water putting subsurface dyke (for conservation) in the stream courses as also through formation of check dam/weir, recharge shafts etc. for ground water recharge. Already good results are obtained and this is the best mechanism for tapping copious perennial flow of ground water in the area. (Fig – 7)
Rainwater conservation through lakes and ponds
Impervious clayey materials underlie Port Blair town area predominantly, which facilitates conservation of rainwater in ponds and lakes. The highly rugged and ravinous topography forms natural catchments, where springs oozes through out because of rainfall recharge at higher places and the depressions form perennial lakes and pond. Long back in eighteenth century while the English rulers started thinking conversion of Andaman as penal settlement, geological surveys were carried out by the English geologists of GSI (which was built up in 1851). They had earlier marked that the rock formations were unproductive for yielding water through pumping wells. For this reason they started constructing ponds and tanks in and around the town. Their captive tank still now exists with full of water at Ross Island , which was used to supply for the entire population (Fig – 8). Similarly they had gone for sitting dug wells in good topographic horizons, which are still active. The Japanese constructed maximum number of dug wells for their water requirements during patrolling in the bunkers situated even at remote places. Besides planned surface water development through ponds and in future the storage of rain water (rainwater harvesting) in subsurface reservoirs and in natural catchments can be thought of. So renovation of the old tank (highly silted) may form dependable source of water supply both for drinking and domestic uses and utilization for construction work. The usage of the tanks, wells may help in Judicious planning of water supply in Port Blair town.
Pollution and Environment
Since there is no industry located in and around the Port Blair town area, environment is good in terms of air pollution. But due to very fast change in demographic pattern due to lot of influx from mainland, the city environment is rapidly declining. Lot of trees are being cut, the hills are being demolished to room for growing population and for construction of run way. These are certainly effecting the environments (Fig – 9). Especially the demolition of hills will affect badly the rainfall recharge/discharge relation. Since the hills are underlain by clayey material, these are being easily washed out to the nearby topography lows i.e. either to the sea or to the valleys. If some survey is carried out. it can be seen that the harbours are becoming shallow day by day. The heavy siltation will cause clogging of the spring faces of the ponds and the decrease in depth. No proper soil conservation measures are being taken to stop the soil erosion. PBMC may play an active role in this regard. Apart from this, the thick population density facilitates the decline in sanitation and waste dumping. In many areas it is observed that heaps of garbages are dumped elsewhere which may lead to groundwater pollution
In No 18, 8, 9(part), 7(part) it is observed that the inhabitants lack awareness in this regard. PBMC may take appropriate action for this. The level of anthropogenic pollution is maximum in ward no. 18. In this ward at many places concrete drains are not available and water scarcity is so precarious that the inhabitants are compelled to collect water from Kutcha wells situated nearby the sewer drains. Adequate measures may be taken in this respect.
Aims And Objective :
At the outset for completion of the entire surveys and investigation as contemplated by the author, as also for in time execution of work, the time schedule is framed in the following manner.
Stage I : Preliminary Survey work ( (Target 20th Nov, 2002)
This survey will include visit to all the existing dug well and pond sites and the promising sites for construction of dug well, Spring harvesting structures & bore well, falling in each Ward and preparation of the technical recommendation for completion of preliminary formalities (i.e. preparation of estimate).
Stage II : (A) Qualitative assessment of Source water
(Target 31-3-03)
The author has contemplated to get all the source water sample analysed to adjudge the bacteriological and chemical quality. The sampling of water samples for bacteriological quality testing should start immediately. For this purpose two officials of PBMC, water supply sub-division will be trained. They will collect sterilized bottle 2 Nos, everyday from GB Pant Hospital, Pathological laboratory. Similarly 4 samples twice a week could be analysed by ICMR. The study reports are to be collected regularly and may be recorded in a register. This work may take three months. Besides, OIC, NIOT has also assured the author to get some of the samples analysed in their laboratory.
For chemical testing (on the spot determination) one ph meter,one Ec meter & one TDS meter (portable) may be procured by Port Blair, Municipal Council locally. The water samples for chemical analysis will be collected in March- April,2003 and the analyses may be done at Regional Chemical Laboratory at Kolkata (in consultation with Regional Director, CGWB & Hon’ble M.P. and Chairperson, Port Blair Municipal Council)
(B) Quantitative assessment of the source (Target 31-3-2003)
Yield testing of the dug well sources, segregated during the survey should start forthwith and as early as possible it should be completed so that by the end of March all the data will be at hand to work out the capacity of pump & storage tank with disinfection facility for further recommendation of the above items by March, 2003 to take up the work immediately.
• From the preliminary survey it is revealed that in all the sources, except the source at South Point,G.B.Pant Hospital and Sistynagar, centrifugal pump may be utilized for dewatering. while for the all these sources the help of fire brigade pump may be taken.
• Water area of all the ponds, selected and recommended for execution, should be worked out and the work may be completed by 31-3-03. One gauze each may be put into all the ponds for monthly measurement and the same should continue up to March 2004.
• Similarly the water level of all the dug well sources should also be monitored month wise and continued upto March 2004.
• In few locations hydrological and geological tests will be carried which are mentioned in the recommendation and the work will be done in March –April,2003. In certain locations (Included in the recommendation), leveling surveys are to be carried out and the work should be over by 31.03.2003.
Stage III : Evolving Management Plan (Target 15-5-2003)
After getting all the bacteriological, chemical and yield test data, the sources will be classified and management plan for utilization of water will be worked out.
In the above mentioned way if the work is completed, it will help Port Blair Municipal Council a lot for management of water supply so that even in difficult situation, PBMC will be in a position to combat with the water scarcity. The report, which will come out after completion of the study will be an all time record for any future use.
Conclusion :
In the preceding paragraphs the possibility for planned augmentations of water supply system in the area is discussed. It may be achieved through renovation of old dug also through construction of new dug wells and bore wells being sited by the author. While developing, the environmental aspects i.e. pollution and over exploitation of ground water should be looked into otherwise the water availability situation may be damaged permanently since the islands are small and endangered because it is surrounded by the sea. The exploitation of groundwater may be done judiciously with the help of CGWB.As desired by the Hon’ble Chairperson of PBMC,the council may plan for an urgent survey and regular monitoring of all the springs available in Rutland (Kalapahar)with the help of CGWB. The Rutland source may form a dependable source to Port Blair at least for the coming 10-15 years.
The author express his sincerest gratitude to Shri Bishnu Pada Ray, Hon’ble M.P., A&N Islands for inviting him for the survey work in Port Blair Municipal Council area. The appropriate action from Shri D.Prakash, Regional Director, CGWB, E. Region, Kolkata to kindly depute the author for this urgent studies and rendering needful guidance and suggestion during preparation of the report is gratefully acknowledged. Profound gratitude is also due to Shri. Mardavanan, Chairperson, PBMC for taking keen interest in the work as also to the other councillors of PBMC for extending adequate support and suitable advice in locating the sources. Thanks are also due to the Executive Engineer, PBMC for extending needful suggestions during the inspection and survey work. AE (Water Supply), PBMC remained constantly with the author during inspection work as also Shri. Parmashivam, Chair Person, Water Supply Sub Committee. The author is indebted to them for providing all needful logistics and inspiration during the inspection and survey work. Thanks are also due to Shri K.Sekar, Deputy Chief Engineer and A. Srinivasa Rao, Executive Engineer, ALHW to extend facilities to edit the MS in their computer. Last but not the least the whole hearted support from Shri. Jaychandran, K. Stalin & Mohit Kumar of water supply sub division, PBMC, during the survey work,and S/Shri Renju T.S. and Ch. Venketeswar Rao of ALHW has enabled the author to make the preliminary survey report complete.
Ward No. 1 - Councillor : - Smt. Sushma Nair
The areas falling under ward no. 1 was inspected along with the councillor and AE(WS) PBMC and the following sources were recommended. Subsequent to the inspection a preliminary survey work was also carried out in the sources and following recommendations were made.
1. Renovation of pond sources behind Mini Zoo
One perennial pond is located behind Mini Zoo, which is the main source of water even in dry season for bathing and other day-to-day uses for the surrounding thickly populated locality. The water of the pond is not clean and not being desilted for quite a long period. The boundary wall in the Mini Zoo side is broken. During rain, lot of filthy water enters into the pond and pollutes the water. The councillor desires that the boundary wall may be reconstructed and if need be fencing also should be made around the boundary wall so that nobody can enter into the pond. However, after cleaning of the pond the water may be pumped out to the bathing complex (to be constructed by PBMC) for different daily uses of the inhabitants. After visiting the site the following recommendations were given.
(i) The northern side of the retaining wall is recently constructed. However, in all the other three sides the walls are damaged. For this two meter high retaining wall may be constructed in the other three sides to stop the incoming polluted water and sliding of soil. In all sides two meter high wire mesh fencing may be provided for protecting the source. The length of the retaining wall is to be measured by PBMC or by the executing concern immediately to calculate the water area.
(ii) The pond is to be desilted to increase the reservoir capacity and cleaned.
(iii) The pond water is to be bacteriologically and chemically tested for ascertaining the quality for further use besides its using for bathing, cleaning etc.
2.Construction of a New dug well near by the house of Mohammed Majid (Tax collector of PBMC)
The councillor showed the site and reportedly ground water always oozes in the area even during peak summer. The area forms a water scarcity pocket. After making the survey in the spot, the following recommendations are made :
(i) 4 mtr×4 mtr square type well may be constructed in the low land. One side of the well should be constructed cutting the hill face. Depth of the well should be 8 mtr. Parapet wall may be kept one meter above ramp level. The site is located two meter below ground level. Ramp and side drains are to be constructed. There should be adequate weep holes in three sides of the well while there should not be any perforation in the sea ward side to stop downward leakance.
3. One old English well is located nearby the house of Shri Durai Swamy in the upland area adjacent to seashore road to Chatham & the upper side of the house of Mr. Majid (Tax Collector PBMC). The Depth of the well is 8.10 mtr, dia-2.45 mtr. parapet -0.75 mtr above ground level. Static water level was found on 13.11.2002 at 0.74 mtr below ground level. This well is not renovated and de-silted since long. The patch repairing work with construction of ramp and side drain with wire mesh lid are required. This well will be funded from MPLAD for its renovation and its supply through hydrants for a length of 500 mtr distance. The well water should be chemically and bacteriologically tested.
4. One low area is located below the Kasuarina tree near by the Police Qtrs. near seashore road to Chatham . Here one 4 to 4.5 mtr. dia dug. Well upto 5 mtr. depth may be constructed. Ramp and side drain with parapet height of 0.7mtr. above ground level is recommended.
5. Inside the Police colony one dug well is located. Depth of the well is 4.43 mtr., dia 1.25 mtr. and parapet height 0.75 mtr. This well may be de-silted and cleaned. The water sample may be chemically and bacteriologically tested.
6. In the Chatham saw mill regularly 50 tons (50,000 liters) of water is supplied by PBMC to cater its daily requirements. To meet the water supply from the alternative source the following recommendations are made
(a) One pond is located nearby the stores. The pond was possibly constructed by British through bombardment. The pond goes dry in summer. Below the pond there are two wells. One well is located just below the pond having depth 1.8 mtr, dia 1.7mtr and parapet height 0.90 mtr,. Reportedly the well dries up in summer. The well may be deepened upto 5 mtr., To augment the recharge the pond also may be de-silted so that the pond regularly charges the well just situated at the bottom of it.
Similarly one more dug well is located in the back side of Chatam store office whose details could not be obtained since it is covered with heavy plank fitted lid. Reportedly this well never dries up in summer. The well is not having any parapet. Both the well may be renovated with parapet and ramp with drain.
(b) Inside chatham saw mill near production managers office there is one more dug well having 4.82 mtr. depth, 2.80 mtr. dia and papapet height 0.40 mtr. The parapet height may be raised upto 0.70 mtr and the well may be renovated.
(c) Inside Chatham saw mill, near saw mill division one dug well is located. The well is having 6.28 mtr. depth, 1.8 mtr dia and 0.25 mtr. parapet. This well may be renovated.
(d) Inside
width may be further extended up to 5 mtr. so that considerable width of 16.7 mtr. can be created. The northern side wall of the pond is dilapidated and broken. The side wall requires some renovation and northern side wall may be re-constructed. The pond is to be de-silted. The water in the pond never goes dry in summer. The EC of pond water was seen 880 micro mho/cm. After the renovation the pond water may be utilized for the saw mill with the installation of a pressure filter and chlorination tank. Quality both (Bacteriological & Chemical), of all the above sources should be ascertained. The daily retirements of the Chatham shaw mill can be fulfilled to a great extent if all the sources are integrated. During peak crisis period these sources may supplement to the supply of water from PBMC.
Ward No. 2 - Councillor : - Shri T. Jagannath
The areas falling under ward no. 2 was inspected along with the councillor and AE(WS), PBMC and the following sources were recommended. Subsequent to the inspection, a preliminary survey was also made in the sources and following recommendations were made.
1. Renovation of Lalta dighi
One perennial pond is located near by Municipal Ratri Nivas, which is popularly known as Lalta dighi (Fig. – 12). This is the main source of water even in dry season for bathing and other day-to-day uses for the surrounding locality. The water of the pond is not clean and not being desilted for quite a long period. The water of the pond is comparatively less polluted but needs to be protected for drinking or any other purpose after ascertaining its water quality. The following recommendations are made.
(i) 2.5 mtr to 3 mtr retaining wall may be constructed in all the sides to stop the incoming polluted water and sliding of soil. In all sides two meter high wire mesh fencing may be provided for protecting the source. The length of the retaining wall is to be measured by PBMC or by executing concern immediately to calculate the water area.
(ii) The pond water is to be bacteriologically and chemically tested for ascertaining the quality for any further use, besides its using for bathing, cleaning etc.
2. The Municipal Ratri Niwas faces crisis of water in the peak summer. For its daily use other than drinking the councillor desired to construct a well below the Lalta Ground opposite to the temple near Ratri Niwas. The well should be constructed in the low ground. The dimension of the well will be as follows. Depth 8.00 mtr, dia 4.5 mtr., parapet 0.70 mtr. There should ramp and drain etc., The well may be covered with wire mesh.
3. In the back side of Municipal Ratri Niwas, a nallah is flowing which was afterwards made the path way for discharging sewer water along the nallah after constructing it masonry. In the up land below the mango tree one dug well with 3 mtr. dia, 8 mtr. depth may be constructed. Gravels/equi-dimensional small size stone chips and sand may be shrouded around the well to get the water filtered before entering the well to improve its quality.
4. In the community Hall site, the councillor desires to construct a dug well for its daily requirement. In this regard studying the topography one dug well is suggested behind the community hall (under construction) in the lower area where centering work is going on. The dimension of well may be as dia 4.5 mtr. depth 8.0 mtr. There should be ramp and side drain. The well may be covered with wire mesh.
5. In Haddo Port Slum area below the road approaching towards Port, two english dug wells are situated nearby the house of Shri. Loknath and Sri Damodar. The dimension of the wells are as under.
(a) Depth - 6.40 mtr, dia - 2.0 mtr, parapet - .080 mtr. Reportedly the well does not dry up in summer, Rock is encountered at the bottom.
(b) The other well is having depth - 3.0 mtr, dia 1.25 mtr × 1.20 mtr parapet - 0.40 mtr. It appears that rock is encountered at the bottom. This well water is relatively polluted and the colour of the water is having yellowish tint. Both the wells should be deepened and cleaned. Both the wells need repair of side wall, ramp, drain and parapet. The well water may be tested bacteriologically and chemically.
6. The councillor desired a well nearby the Haddo port Welcome Park area. For this a site is suggested at the extreme slender end near by the road turning and the defence shipyard gate. One dug well having 2.0 mtr, dia, 6 mtr. depth may be constructed for gardening purpose. There may be small ramp and wire-mesh on the well.
Ward No. 3 - Councillor : - Shri P. Ganeshan
The areas falling under ward no. 3 was inspected along with the councillor and AE(WS) PBMC and the following sources were recommended. Subsequent to the inspection a preliminary survey work was also made in the sources and following recommendations are made.
1. Renovation of Coast Guard Dighi near old Dhanavanthri
One perennial pond is located near by Coast Guard Campus and Old Dhanavantri (Fig. – 13). This pond source never dries up even in dry season. This pond water is used for bathing and other day-to-day uses for the surrounding locality. The water of the pond is not clean and was not desilted for quite a long period. The water of the pond is comparatively less polluted but need to be protected for drinking or any other purpose after ascertaining its water quality. The following recommendations were made :
(i) 2.5 mtr to 3 mtr high retaining wall may be constructed in all the sides. Two meter high wire mesh fencing may be provided for protecting the source. The length of the retaining wall is to be measured by PBMC or by the executing concern immediately to calculate the water area.
(ii) The pond is of be desilted to increase the reservoirs capacity and cleaned.
(iii) The pond water is to be bacteriologically and chemically tested for ascertaining the quality for any further use, besides its using for bathing cleaning etc.
2. Inside Delanipur fish market there is a well having following dimension. Depth - 5.06 mtr, dia - 2.25 mtr × 2.05 mtr, parapet 0.90 mtr. The well water is polluted and receive pollutants, like sewer etc. coming through any channels created from nearby drains. Rock is encountered at the bottom. If there is any sewer drain nearby, that may be repaired to stop downward flow of polluted water. The well may be deepened, de-silted and cleaned. regularly bleaching powder may be added to the well water. The well water may be tested both bacteriologically and chemically.
3. Similarly the water of the Ayappa Temple is turbid and reddish. It was reported that formerly it was a marshy land which was later filled up by wood dust brought from Chatham saw mill. The coloration might be caused because of this reason. However, the well water is being utilised by the local scooter garage for scooter servicing (Fig – 14). The dimension of the well is, depth - 6.14 m, dia 1.55 mtr and parapet - 0.55 m.It is suggested that the well should be depened as far as possible and needful repair is to be made for the well. It appears that bulk of the seepage comes from bottom. If possible upto 3 to 4 m Cementing of the side wall may be done. It appears that the information may be correct. Because in reducing condition, all those old wood dust is creating such coloration and part of it may be stopped with cementation of the side wall. The well water may be tested bacteriologically and chemically.
4. On Panipath road opposite to the Coast Guard quarters, there is an old dug well with the following dimensions. Depth 4.2 mtr, dia 2.0 mtr, parapet 0.75 mtr. This well water is yellowish. The well may deepened cutting the rock as encountered at the bottom. Ramp and side wall is to be repaired. Observing the seepage face up to 2.5 mtr. to 3 mtr. the side wall may be cemented partly. The sewer possibly entering through the cracks which is to be prevented. The well may be cleaned. The well water may be tested bacteriologically and chemically.
Ward No. 4 - Councillor : - Shri Sher Singh
The areas falling under wad no. 4 was inspected along with the councillor and AE(WS), PBMC and the following sources were recommended. Subsequent to the inspection a Preliminary survey work was also made in the sources and following recommendations were made.
1. Renovation of spring sources near Dhoby Ghat, Prem Nagar
This spring source was developed long back and was put into the use by local residents for quite a long time. For the last few years the structure has been totally dilapidated and the spring water oozes out to the lower reach. Due to sliding of soil and rock masses the spring is totally clogged. The concerned councillor desires its early renovation. The following recommendations are made.
(i) The all four sides of the spring source needs to be reconstructed. The length of the hill and seaward side is 17 mtr where as its breadth is 9 mtr. In all four sides retaining wall of 3 mtr height may be constructed with adequate weep holes in three sides except the sea ward side wall. Boulder packing may be made at least 5 mtr up slope without disturbing the hill slope to stop sliding of soil and rock masses.
(ii) The seaward side retaining wall should be constructed in such a fashion so that no water can seep outside or even during Peak high tide no sea water can ingress. For this reason the bottom part of the retaining wall may be plugged with CC from the rock bottom. The width of the retaining wall may be 50 cm.
(iii) The spring source may be totally desilted and the depth may be kept 3 mtr from the present bed level.
2. Renovation of spring fed water pool at Prem Nagar Burning ghat
This spring fed pool source is reportedly perennial and was shown to the author by the councillor of the ward for its renovation. (Fig. 15)
(i) In three sides of the spring source retaining wall of 2.5 - 3 mtr height may be constructed with adequate weep holes in all the three sides. The length of the sides require new construction. Its lengths are 10.3 mtr, 13 mtr, 17 mtr respectively.
(ii) The height of the seaward side retaining wall should be raised at least 0.5 mtr maintaining the width of old 0.5 mtr. At the top there should be causeway like arrangement to spill over the excess rain water harvested. The old ramp should be repaired with drains and it may be connected with the main drain.
(iii) Plugging of the old side wall bottom will be required to avoid seawater ingress and loss of water to the sea.
(iv) Cleaning and deepening of the source for further two meters would be useful. Present depth is 1.26 mtr.
(v) The source water is to be bacteriologically and chemically tested for ascertaining the quality for any further use, besides its using for bathing, cleaning etc.
3. During the inspection, the councillor desired that one dug well may be constructed in the proposed community hall area at Delanipur for its daily use. After studying the site from various angle, one site is proposed in the low area. The well dia may be 2 mtr. and depth 1 mtr. The side of the well should be shrouded with gravals and sands for about 0.5 to 0.7 mtr. thickness to improve the quality of water. Otherwise if possible around the concrete ring of 2 mtrs dia one more 2.5 mtr dia perforated (perforation of 5 to 10mm dia) concrete ring may be put. The void in between the two rings may be filled up with sand. The void in the outer side of the second concrete ring with perforations may be filled up with pea gravels or gravel size stone chips. If the well is constructed in this manner, there will be a clear improvement in water quality.
4. One old English well is located below the road proceeding towards INS JARAWA, Campus and the AIR. The well is situated on a perennial Nallah. The well is a highly perennial source of ground water which requires renovations. The dimensions of the well are depth-4.5 mtr, dia - 3.0 mtr, parapet-0.30 Mtr. The parapet height should be raised upto 0.7 Mtr. Ramp and drains are to be constructed. The ramp should be constructed in such a fashion that it will stream line the run off water for protection of well during flash rains. The side wall is almost damaged which needs to be repaired, de-silted and deepened at least upto 6 mtr. During repair of the damaged well almost similar size (say 0.3 Mtr less dia) concrete rings may also be put if repair work of highly dilapidated side wall cannot be taken up. Besides one 8.0 mtr. long 0.5 mtr width and 3.5 mtr. deep sub-surface dyke may be constructed by CC at 2 to 3 Mtr. down stream of the well to restrict the sub-surface flow of water. The depth of the dyke may be increased if bed rock is not observed. The well water may be bacteriologically and chemically tested.
5. There is one Old Japanese well near Prem Nagar Kalibari, which is situated at the left side of the road approaching towards Kalibari. The dimensions of the well are as follows. Depth-2.9 mtr, Dia - 1.9 mtr. parapet 0.60 mtr. Rock is found at the bottom. The well may be deepened and cleaned. Patch work is required for its renovation. The down ward face of the well may be cemented to stop downward seepage.
6. Just on the up hill of the road near by the house of Shri. K.N.Singh at Prem Nagar there is a old dug well with the following dimensions : depth-2.9 mtr, Parapet-07 mtr, dia-1.75 mtr ×2.10 mtr. The well should be renovated with patch work. The down ward side should be cemented to stop the down ward seepage of water. Both the wells including the Kalibari well are located on a hill slope at higher topography. The well may be cleaned and deepened. The well water may be bacteriologically and chemically tested.
7. Opposite to Nirmala Sr. Secondary School there is a old dug well which is not being used. The well is having the following dimensions : depth-6.50 Mtr, Dia-1.45 mtr, parapet-0.80 mtr. The depth of well is fairly good. The source may be renovated with construction of ramp and drain. It may be cleaned, deepened and de-silted. The well water may be tested both bacteriologically and chemically.
8. Inside Kalyana Mandap there is an old well constructed by PBMC. This well is filled up with garbage. The dimensions of the well are as follows. Depth-2.6 mtr, Dia-1.2 mtr, Parapet-0.75 mtr. The well may be thoroughly cleaned. It may be deepened and de-silted. Regularly bleaching powder may be added to the well water. The ward councillor desires one dug well to be constructed here. The well with the demensions i.e., 4.5 mtr dia and 8 mtr depth may be constructed in the spot which in 10Mtr. east of the existing well. There should be ramp and drain and the well should be covered with wire-mesh, CGWB proposes to take up a Geophysical survey in the ground.
9. One dug well is proposed to be constructed inside Moharam Bibi’s house near Kalibari. Reportedly in this area water doesn’t dry up in summer. There is chances of sewer pollution in the area. For this one circular well in the place of present Katcha well (having 1.30 mtr. depth), with 2mtr dia and 6 mtr depth may be constructed. Surrounding the well one more concentric perforated (5 to 10 mm dia perforation) ring may be put and the void portion created in between the second and the first ring is to be packed with sand. the outer void of the second ring may be filled up with gravels. This will create improvement in quality of incoming water. If the arrangement cannot be done then the void around the 2 mtr dia concentric ring which should be atleast 0.5 to 0.7 mtr. thick may be shrouded with gravels and sand.
Ward No. 5 - Councillor : - Shri Ramzan Ali
The areas falling under ward No. 5 was inspected along with the councillor and AE(WS), PBMC and the following sources were recommended. Subsequent to the inspection a preliminary survey work was also made in the sources and following recommendation are made.
1. Well sources opposite to GREF Unit line
Present Depth - 2.37 mtr., parapet - 0.23 mtr, dia (Size)- Rectangular, Length - 6.5 mtr, breadth - 4.35 mtr.The well needs (Fig. 16) cleaning and deepening. Since rocks are encountered, hand drillers may be utilized for deepening of the source. Parapet wall requires needful repair. Wiremesh with lock and key facilities may be provided. The side walls, ramp and drain require to be repaired.
Yield testing is to be carried out. The source water is to be bacteriologically and chemically tested for ascertaining the quality for any further use.
2. Wall source opposite to Thankaswamy editor Building (Dhobi Well).
Present Depth - 3.94 mtr, Parapet - 0.60 mtr, Dia (Size) - 2.30 mtr (Circular).The well needs cleaning and deepening.Wiremesh with lock and key facilities may be provided.Yield testing is to be carried out. The source water is to baceteriologically and chemically tested for ascertaining the quality for any further use.
3. Well source opposite to Electricity Old power house
Present Depth : 4.26 mtr., Parapet : 0.85mtr, Dia (Size) - 3.30 mtr.The well needs cleaning and deepening with bush cutting.Ramp and side drains are to be constructed. Wiremesh with lock and key facilities may be provided.Yield testing is to be carried out. The source Water is to be bacteriologically and chemically tested for ascertaining the quality for any further use. After ascertaining the quality and quantity data, these three wells (Sl. No. 1,2 & 3) may be integrated.
4. In the Phoenix bay area inside the house compound of Smti Noorjahan, one perennial spring is located which can be developed in the following way. In this regard, the Ward Councillor may talk the to landowner regarding the availability of land. One 3×3 Mtr Square type well, 6Mtr. Depth, 0.7Mtr parapet with ramp and drain may be constructed tapping the spring source. There should be adequate weep holes in the spring side i.e. uphill side to tap the water where as in the other sides there should not be any orifice, which may lead to percolation of water to the down side for being located in a sloping high ground.
5. Along the seashore road to Chatham , near by the Junction of the road towards Anarkali Basti, one well was desired by the Councillor, Considering the proposal and space for its construction , one well is suggested near the electric pole below the shed and opposite side of the fisheries department establishment. The dia of the well may be 2.5 to 3 mtr and depth 8 mtr. Drain, parapet may be constructed.
6. One dug well site was selected, in the presence of Hon’ble M.P. and the Councillor of the Ward. The well may be located in the topographically lower area on the left hand side of the Chatham Sea-Shore road and at the Junction of the Megapode and Chatham road. The diameter of the well may be 2.5 to 3 mtr. and its depth should be 6 to 8 mtr. Parapet and ramp may be constructed.
One perennial spring source is located below the road towards Megapode nest and in the downhill area near the Nallah (Fig – 17). One footpath is constructed opp. to the Megapode, which is leading to the well. The spring water may be harvested with the following structure. The recommended structure is. Rectangular well with dimension 4.0 mtr ×3.0 mtr and depth - 5 mtr.The parapet height should be kept 2.20 mtr. above the ground level, so that no rain water and drain water can seep inside. One non perennial Nallah is flowing over the source which may be diverted, otherwise it may spoil the harvesting structure.
One perennial spring source is located below the road towards Megapode nest and in the downhill area near the Nallah (Fig – 17). One footpath is constructed opp. to the Megapode, which is leading to the well. The spring water may be harvested with the following structure. The recommended structure is. Rectangular well with dimension 4.0 mtr ×3.0 mtr and depth - 5 mtr.The parapet height should be kept 2.20 mtr. above the ground level, so that no rain water and drain water can seep inside. One non perennial Nallah is flowing over the source which may be diverted, otherwise it may spoil the harvesting structure.
8. One old English well source is located at Phoenix bay near Smt. Tara Devi’s house. The dimensions of the well are: 7.20 mtr depth, 3.50 mtr. dia and 0.70 mtr parapet. The well source reportedly goes dry in extreme summer. The well is covered with RCC lid which may be removed as desired by the local people. If done this may facilitate aeration. Patch work may be taken up for renovation of the well. The well may be de-silted, deepened and cleaned.
Ward No. 6 - Councillor : - Shri Hameed Ali
The areas falling under ward No. 6 was inspected along with the councillor and AE(WS), PBMC and the following sources were recommended. Subsequent to the inspection a preliminary survey work was also made in the sources and following recommendations are made.
1. Renovation of well source near Light House Cinema
Present depth - 5.4 mtr. Parapet - 1.05 mtr, dia - (Size) - 3.12 mtr (Circular). The well needs (Fig – 18) cleaning and deepening. Parapet wall requires needful repair. Wire mesh with lock and key facilities may be provided. The sidewells are to be repaired along with the ramp and drain. Yield testing is to be carried out. The source water is to be bacteriologically and chemically tested for ascertaining the quality for any further use.
2. At the entrance of the Middle point DM Boys School gate No. 2, on the right hand side, there is a Katcha well recently constructed by the Contractor working in the school. This source is reportedly perennial even during the summer. The councillor suggested that the well source may be inspected for future construction. During the study it was observed that the Katcha well is having 2.80 mtr. depth, and dia 2.50 mtr. It is suggested that here a 2.5 mtr dia well may be constructed . Since one Nallah (Pucca drain) is flowing nearby, there is possibility of sewer pollution. Keeping this in view one 3.0 mtr dia perforated (3mm to 5 mm dia) concentric rings may be set around the 2.5 mtr dia ring. In the void space sand may be filled and the outer space of the outer ring may be packed with gravels or pea size stone chips so that water enters into the well getting filtered. In case such arrangement cannot be done then 0.5 to 0.7 mtr thick stone chips or gravel with sand may be packed around the well. Depth of the well may be 8.0 mtr with parapet height 0.7 mtr. Ramp and drains are to be constructed.
3. As per the discussion held with the councillor a traverse was made to the northern side of the Central School situated near the Telephone Exchange. It is observed that in the northern side of the field is comparatively good for tapping ground water. In the northern boundary there is a road. Along that road near by the rain tree, in the low area located in the southern side of the road, nearly 30 to 40 mtr. from the northern corner of the field, one dug well 3.0 mtr., dia 8 mtr, depth may be constructed with parapet, ramp and side drain. The parapet height should be 1 to 1.2 mtr. so that small children cannot lean on it. The well may be partially covered.
4. The old well near Phongy Kyaung was visited. Presently it is filled up totally with garbage. Hence the depth and other dimensions could not be taken.
Ward No. 7 – Councillor : - Smt. Pratima Madhukishan
The area falling under ward No. 9 was inspected along with the councillor and AE (WS), PBMC and the following sources were recommended. Subsequent to the inspection a preliminary survey work was also made in the sources and the following recommendations were made.
1. Construction of new well near by Vijay Bag gate below the electric post and near by the water supply pipe lines.
Reportedly this site is a perennial source of water. This is a water scarce pocket. One well in between the water supply pipe lines with 2.5 mtr to 3 mtr dia 8 mtr deep with adequate weep holes may be constructed. The parapet height may be kept 0.7 mtr above ground level. Ramp and side drain are to be constructed. Wire mesh is to be provided.
2. In Anand Marg lane at Junglighat one Japanese well was inspected. The well is having the following dimensions.Depth - 4.13 mtr., Dia - 1.5×1.5 mtr, Parapet - 0.90 mtr. The well should be deepened upto 8.0 Mtr. It may be cleaned. Ramp, Parapet and drains require patch repair.
3. One ring well is located adjacent to Durgapuja mandap at Junglighat. The dimension of the well is as under. Depth - 3.58 mtr, dia 1.45 mtr. parapet - 0.70 mtr. The well may be deepened upto 6mtr and cleaned. Parapet ramp and drains need patch repair.
4. One dug well is located near seashore road inside the Govt. peon quarters at Junglighat. The well is found to be filled up with garbage. The dimension of the well is as follows . Depth - 4.47mtr., Dia 1.20mtr, Parapet - 0.9mtr. This well should be cleaned and de-silted and may be deepened for further 05. to 1.0 mtr.
5. In machhi line near the toilet block adjacent to the seashore road at Junglighat, one well has recently been constructed by PBMC. The depth of the well is 3.11mtr, dia 1.20mtr, parapet 0.80mtr. The well should be cleaned with further deepening upto 1.0 mtr.
6. In dairy farm area opposite to Penticostal Church , a nallah is flowing. In the low laying part one 2.5 to 3 mtr, dia well, 8 mtr depth may be constructed with ramp, drain and parapet. The height of the parapet may be 0.7 Mtr. In the area lot of garbage and solid wastes are dumped which is to be stopped. In the northern face of the valley, sliding takes place. For stopping the slide and soil erosion, a 2.5 to 3 mtr. height retaining wall may be constructed along with footpath to the proposed well site.
7. Near by the Sant Nirankari Satsang Bhavan, in the low lying area one old dug well is situated. The dimensions of the well is as follows. Depth - 6.14mtr., Dia-1.75 mtr., Parapet-0.90mtr.The well is reportedly perennial and recently renovated by PBMC. The well may be deepened and cleaned.
Ward No. 8 - Councillor : - Smt. J. Usha
The areas falling under ward No. 8 was inspected along with the councillor and AE(WS), PBMC and the following sources were seen. Subsequent to the inspection a preliminary survey work was also made in the sources and the following recommendations are made.
1. Construction of new well near by the house of Shri Gabrial Lakra
Present depth - 5.23mtr, parapet - 0.12 m, dia (Size) - 2.10 mtr (Circular). One Katcha well with the aforesaid dimension was constructed long back at the site. This remains a dependable source of water even during peak summer. Reportedly this site is the perennial source of water. In the site a new well with 2.5 mtr. dia, 8 mtr deep with adequate weep holes may be constructed. The parapet height may be kept 0.7 mtr above ground level. Ramp and side drains are to be constructed. Wire mesh is to be provided.
2. One rectangular dug well is located on the sea shore road adjacent to the house of Shri. Madav Rao at Machhi Basti. The dimension of the well is as follows. Depth - 2.8 mtr, Dia - 2.10×2.7 mtr, Parapet - 0.80 mtr. This is a perennial source. Rocks are encountered in the side and bottom. The water is seeping through the rock fractures. The well may be deepened further upto 1 to 1.5 mtr. Help of hand driller may be taken. This is a very good perennial source under use by the public at least for 12 to 16 Hrs in a day.
3. There is a old Japanese well in front of the house of Shri B.Ramanna at Dairy Farm. The particulars of the well are as follows : Depth - 5.80 mtr. Dia - 2.4 mtr, Parapet - 0.85 mtr. Patch work for repair is required for parapet, ramp and side walls. Deepening for further 2 mtr is necessary with cleaning. This well is also having used by the people of the locality. During inspection although in most of the wells water level was found upto the brim because of the current rainfall, still the well was found empty.
4. In the low lying area adjacent to the house of Sh. Mohrang Kespatta and near by the land of Shri Camel Kullu one Katcha well was inspected, The councillor seeks the construction of this well for use of the people of the nearby locality. The dimension of the well is as follows. Depth - 2.10 mtr, dia - 1.70 mtr. Since one pucca drain is passing nearby, one 2.0 mtr dia well, 8 mtr deep may be constructed. The surroundings of the well may be shrouded with gravel or pea size stone chips and sand for filtration of the incoming water. The thickness of the filter media should be 0.5 to 0.7 mtr. If possible surrounding the 2.0 centric ring 2.5 mtr concentric ring with perforation ( 3 to 5 mm dia) may be put. The void may be filled up with gravels or pea size stone chips and the outer side of the outer ring may be packed with sand. Parapet (0.7 mtr high), ramp and drain is to be constructed.
5. Inside Fish and mutton market at Dairy farm one ring well is located which is having the following dimensions. Depth - 4.24 mtr, Dia - 1.20 mtr. parapet - 0.90 mtr. The well may be deepened for further 1.5 to 2 mtr. and cleaned.
6. The Jawhar Sarovar water supply pond has been inspected. This pond is heavily de-silted and needs immediate dredging for increasing the reservoir capacity. Besides, lot of local residents enter into the pond for bathing and washing. This should be immediately stopped with closure of main gate from eastern and southern sides. Further, wiremesh fencing would be highly necessary for protecting the source from anthropogenic pollution.
7. One more diggi below the CPWD construction site is visited during the traverse. This pond is highly damaged due to the siltation developed during the construction and hill cutting(Fig-10). The PBMC may look into the protection of the pond through de-silting and retaining wall construction and stone packing of the cut out slope. Grass turfing and plantation along the slope will be highly useful.
8. One dug well located near vegetable market adjacent to the Jawahar Sarovar and opposite to Municipal site office, was inventoried. The depth of the well is 8.30 mtr, Dia - 1.50 mtr and parapet height is 0.70 mtr. The side wall of the well is damaged which may be repaired along with the ramp, drain and parapet. This is a very potential source needs de-silting and cleaning.
9. One dug well located near vegetable market adjacent to the Jawahar Sarovar and opposite to Municipal site office was inventoried. The depth of the well is 5.30 mtr, dia - 1.50 mtr and parapet height is 0.70 mtr. The side wall of the well is damaged which may be rapaired along with the ramp, drain and parapet. This is a very potential source needs desilting and cleaning.
Ward No. 9 – Councillor : - Shri K Krishnan
The areas falling under ward No. 9 was inspected along with the councillor and AE(WS), PBMC and the following sources were recommended. Subsequent to the inspection a Preliminary survey work was also made in the sources and following recommendations are made.
1. Development of the water source contructing one subsurface dyke nearby the house of Miss Marshilla Dung Dung, Councillor
(i) One sub surface dyke 11 mtr long, 0.3 to 0.5 mtr width and 3.5 mtr deep may be constructed below the culvert to arrest the sub surface flow. The depth may be increased if hard basement rock is not observed.
(ii) The area should be cleaned.

Fig. 19 : Mighty sub surface source at Ranchi Basti
(iv) The height of the parapet may be raised upto 1.2 mtr and well may be deepened up to 6 mtr. Wire mesh may be put on the rectangular structure for aeration.
2. One Katcha well is inspected during the survey located near seashore inside the house of Shri Pal Rao. Depth of the well is 2.23 mtr, dia - 1.20 mtr and parapet - 0.25 mtr. This is a perennial source. One ring well 3.5 mtr depth, dia - 1.5 to 2 mtr may be constructed with parapet, ramp and side drain.
3. Inside Tirupathi temple near sea shore one ring well is located. The dimension of the well is as follows. Depth - 2.95 mtr, Dia - 1.00 mtr. Parapet - 0.75 mtr. The well may only be de-silted and cleaned. No further deepening is suggested.
4. In front of Shri. Tarantesu Vekateswara’s house, one dug well is situated which is having the following dimensions. Depth - 2.50Mtr, dia - 2 mtr, parapet - 0.60 mtr. Ramp, parapet and side drain is to be constructed. The well is to be cleaned.
5. In the extreme western end of the village in Ward No. 9 near sea shore one perennial nallah is flowing from the Jawhar Sarowar side. The nallah is through out recharged with the seepage water of Jawarh Sarowar one well has already being constructed having dimensions : dia-1.25 mtr, depth-4.54 mtr, Parapet-0.60 mtr. Reportedly the well is not affected by tidal water. The Parapet of the well may be raised for 0.5 mtr. Deepening is not suggested. It is a perennial source only patch work is required for the drain.
6. As per the request of the Councillor one more location is surveyed in the area tapping the sub-surface water flowing through the Nallah as mentioned in Sl. No. 5. In the area two nallah are meeting before the sea. One sub-surface dyke 12mtr long 3.5mtr depth and 0.30 mtr to 0.5 mtr width made up of CC may be constructed obstructing both the nallahs. The depth of the dyke may be increased if hard rock is not seen.One well 4.5 mtr. dia and 6Mtr depth may be constructed 8 to 10 mtr upstream of the dyke and to be sited on the sloping land. Two No. check weirs 5 mtr long 1.5 to 2.5 mtr. height (with foundation) may be constructed. Location of one weir will be at 10 mtr. upstream of the well on the main Nallah and the other 20 mtr upstream of the well. Similarly on the western side of the Nallah two Nos. check weirs may be constructed at a distance of 10 & 20 mtr. from the well. The length and height will be 5 to 8 mtr. and 1.5 to 2.5 mtr (including foundation) respectively. Ramp and drains are to be constructed. Yield test is to be carried out to specify the capacity and amount of drawal per day. If constructed properly as per the recommendation, the well may yield nearly 30,000 liters per day even in dry period.
6. Below Ranchi Basti mandal one dug well is located having the following dimension. depth- 3.35 mtr, Dia-1.50mtr, Parapet- 0.85mtr. Deepening and cleaning of the well is suggested. Rock is reportedly encountered at the bottom.
Ward No. 10 – Councillor : - Miss. Marshilla Dung Dung
The areas falling under ward No. 10 was inspected along with the councillor and AE(WS), PBMC and the following sources were recommended. Subsequent to the inspection a Preliminary survey work was also made in the sources and following recommendations are made.
1. Construction of one Large diameter well with sub surface dyke and recharge shaft below the valley near Mini Bay, Navy civil quarters at Srinagar .
This is a very good perennial source (Fig. –20) needs to be further augmented with a well and a sub surface dyke and recharge shaft. Already one small dia well is constructed by PBMC in the upstream side of the proposed site. Recommendations are :
(i) One subsurface dyke 12 mtr long, 0.3 to 0.5 mtr width and 3.5 mtr deep may be constructed nearly 10 mtr upstream side of the Keori tree to arrest the sub surface flow. The depth may be increased if hard basement rock is not observed.
(ii) The area should be cleared with bush cutting
(iii) One large dia (6mtr ) well 6 mtr deep dug well may be constructed having adequate weep holes with parapet height one meter above ground level. Ramp and side drains are to be constructed. The well should be covered with wire mesh.
(iv) Two check weirs 8 to 10 mtr long, 2 to 2.5 mtr height and 0.5 mtr width may be constructed in the space located in the valley in between the present well and the proposed well. The lower weir should be placed at least 5 mtr to 10 mtr up stream of the proposed well.
(v) Vertical shaft totally 4 Nos having 2.5 mtr to 3 mtr depth with 1.5 mtr dia CC ring may be constructed. The shaft should be put nearly 5 mtr interval for recharging purpose. The parapet of the, shaft may be kept nearly 0.2 mtr above ground level to avoid siltation. The shaft should be kept in such a fashion that the water obstructed by the check weir can easily be recharged through it.
2. One ring well located in the lower part of the valley in front of the navy (Civil) Qtrs. at Sri Nagar (Minnie Bay). This is a perennial source, this well has recently been constructed by PBMC having the following dimension, Depth-3.8mtr, Dia-1.20 mtr, parapet-0.70mtr, The well may cater perennially.
Ward No. 11 - Councillor : - Shri Anant Rao
The areas falling under ward No. 11 was inspected along with the councillor and AE(WS), PBMC and the following sources were recommended. Subsequent to the inspection a Preliminary survey work was also made in the sources and following recommendations are made.
1. Renovation of the source of water at Bomba diggi
Present depth 2.39 mtr, parapet - 0.35 mtr, dia (Size) - 4.30 mtr × 4.80 mtr (Rectangular). The well needs cleaning and deepening at least up to 8 mtr. This is a perennial source and even dependable during the peak summer. This source is to be properly developed with construction of side walls, parapet, ramp and drain. The parapet wall may be kept 0.7 mtr above ground level. Wire mesh with lock and key facilities may be provided. Yield testing is to be carried out. The source water is to be bacteriologically and chemically tested for ascertaining its utility for any further use.
1. One old perennial source near Shiv Temple was thoroughly studied along with yield testing. Since the former structure was highly dilapidated in that place one more ring well is being constructed. As per the discussion with AE(Works), PBMC, JE and the councillor it was decided that to increase the reservoir capacity, one more RCC retaining wall cum parapet having dimension 3.3 mtr ×3.3 mtr. ×1.5 mtr depth will be constructed. In the centre the concentric ring will be there having 1.5mtr dia and 1.85mtr depth which will tap the seepage face. The well is to be constructed properly with ramp, drain etc. From the pumping test it was calculated that the well may yield 13,000Lts/day while its reservoir capacity would be 14,000 ltrs.
As per the discussion with the councillor it was decided that one more square type dug well having dimension 3mt×3mtr×6mtr depth with parapet ramp and drain may be constructed at 15 to 20 mtr east of the well. This well also will be constructed at the foothill to tap the seepage.
2. One spring source in Bahadur line was observed whose dimension is 7 mtr×5 mtr.×2.5 mtr depth and parapet 0.42 mtr. The source was not desilted for quite a long time. For this lot of water plant and grasses are grown inside the structure (Fig. – 21). All these are forming a reducing environment for which in the well water some reddish colouration is generated. The spring source may be deepened upto 6 mtr., Cleaning and de-silting is highly urgent, to renovate the source. Ramp, side wall and parapet, require patch reparing work.
3. Adjacent to the Airport wall below the house of Shri. Shiv Lal at Nayagoan one dug well having 2.5 mtr. dia, 8 mtr depth with ramp, parapet and drain may be constructed. One spring is located nearby. The well may be sited 25 mtr north of the spring in the low land.
3. In Bahadur lane No.II inside the house of Shri. Chabi Lal one perennial spring is located (Fig. - 22). The spring may be developed with a structure having dimension 3mtr×3mtr×6Mtr. depth with ramp, parapet and side drain. Lot of weep holes are to be kept in the spring face side where as in the other three sides it may be sealed so that no water percolates downwards.
5. Inside the house of Shri Chabilal’s son in Bahadur lane No.II, one spring has been developed with a small Katcha well having 1.02 Mtr depth and 0.95 Mtr dia. The source is reportedly perennial. Here one mtr dia ring well may be constructed having depth 4 mtr. to tap the perennial source.
6. Adjacent to the airport boundary near Police line one spring development structure is inspected. Its depth is 2.45 mtr. The well is having the following dimension. 4.75 mtr×2.45 mtr×2.85 mtr.×4.22 mtr and parapet 0.80 mtr. Hard rock is encountered at the bottom and in the surroundings. The source may be deepened upto 5Mtr. Reportedly due to break in sewer pipe, polluted water enters into the well. The sewer line may be diverted to save the source.
7. Inside the house of Shri. Kutty Ali at Junglighat one well is located which was constructed in 1971. The dimension of the well is as follows. Depth - 5.58mtr., Dia-1.20 mtr Parapet-0.79 mtr, The well may be de-silted.
8. In the back side of the Community hall in Kutty Ali lane at Junglighat one well is located. The well is having the following dimensions. Depth-4.28 mtr, Dia -1.90mtr. Parapet-0.78Mtr. The water of the well is not cleaned. The well has been recently renovated. Cleaning of the well in succession with pump may improve the water quality.
9. In front of M.D. Jala’s house at Junglighat one dug well is situated which is having the following dimension, Depth-4.0 mtr, Dia 2.0 mtr. Parapet-0.40 mtr. Parapet and side wall may be repaired. Drain is to be reconstructed. Walls may be constructed surrounding the well for convenience of bathing. It is a perennial source.
10. Near Shri Ravindran Babu’s house at Nayagoan one old well is situated having the following dimensions. Depth-7.10 mtr, Dia-3.10 mtr. Parapet - 0.80mtr. The well requires patch repair works. Diversion of sewer is urgent.
11. One old English well is located in the low ground near Doctor’s Colony below the filter bed at Nayagoan. The well is having the following dimensions. Depth-6.05 mtr,dia -3 mtr, Parapet 0.60 mtr. The well was not de-silted since long. Same may be done with deepening of the well upto 8 mtr. Parapet, ramp and side drains are to be constructed.
Ward No. 12 - Councillor : - Shri Mardavanan, Chair Person, PBMC
The area falling under ward No. 12 was inspected along with the councillor, EE, and AE(WS), PBMC and the following sources were recommended. Subsequent to the inspection a preliminary survey work was also made in the sources and following recommendations were made.
Integration of well sources near Marine Dock yard and Jadwet auto works,
There are three existing dug well sources located in the above mentioned area which may be integrated after making needful renovations, quality & yield testing for any specific purpose. The sources with required renovation work are as follows
Present depth : 6.05 mtr, parapet - 0.45 mtr, dia - 2.85 mtr (Circular). The well (Fig - 23) needs cleaning and deepening. Parapet wall requires needful repair and it may be raised upto 0.7 mtr. Wiremesh with lock and key facilities may be provided. The sidewalls, ramp and drain require to be repaired. Yield testing is to be carried out. The source water is to be bacteriologically and chemically tested for ascertaining the quality for any further use.
2. Well source in the left hand side of the Marine canteen
Present depth : - 8.85 mtr, parapet - 0.45 mtr, dia - (size) 3.20 mtr (Circular). The well needs cleaning and deepening. Wire mesh with lock and key facilities may be provided. Ramp and side drain is to constructed. Yield testing is to be carried out. The source water is to be bacteriologically and chemically tested for ascertaining the quality for any further use.
3. One old English well is located near by the house of Shri Narayan and Shri Shanti Krishna at Dignabad. The well is having the following dimensions. Depth-5.48 mtr, Dia-1.85 mtr, parapet-0.70 mtr. This well is located on a medium topographical land and reportedly goes dry in summer. The well may be deepened upto 8 Mtr. and needs to be cleaned. The sidewall is damaged and needs to be repaired. Ramp, parapet and drain needs patch repair.
4. Inside CRPF barrack one English well is located with the following dimension. Depth : - 4.39 mtr, Dia - 1.70 mtr, Parapet - 0.55 mtr. The well should be deepened at least upto 6 Mtr. and needs to be cleaned.
5. Inside the house of Shri. M.A.Rehman one English well is located which is having the following dimension. Depth 5.03 mtr., Dia - 2.15 mtr., Parapet - 0.90 mtr. The well requires patch repairing works. It should be deepened for at least 1.0 to 1.5 mtr. and cleaned.
6. Nearby Municipal work shop adjacent to Smt. Kamala’s house one dug well is located which is having the following dimension. Depth-6.70 mtr., dia-1.90mtr, Parapet-0.75 Mtr. The well is to be deepened and cleaned. Patchwork is required for its repair, Drain is to be constructed.
7. On the seashore road towards Cellular Jail inside the house of Shri Bada, at one place near by the foothill there is possibility of getting good amount of water. This place is constantly under sliding. To stop the sliding 5 Mtr high retaining wall may be constructed with stone packing for few meter which would be required to ensure the longevity of the face. In this place formally one well was existing which is filled up with slide material. Here one 3mtr×3mtr×6mtr deep well may be constructed below the foothill with ramp and parapet.
8. In front of GB Pant Hospital the deepest well of Port Blair is located. The well was created by the English people. The dimensions are as follows. Depth ; - 12.16mtr, dia- 0.56 mtr, parapet-0.40 mtr. This well may be de-silted and cleaned with minor patch repairing work. Bush cutting is to be done. Pumping/yield testing is to be done to ascertain the daily yield.
9. Inside Shri Surendra’s house at Dignabad on seashore road one well is located which is mainly used for drinking purpose. The well is receiving good perennial flow from the up land and has been constructed on a spring face. The well may be deepened by 1 to 1.5 Mtr and cleaned.
10. Adjacent to Smt. Alima Bibi and Smt. Mala’s house one English well is located which is almost collapsed by falling of bricks. Presently the following dimensions were available. Depth-2.50 mtr., dia-1.30 mtr., Parapet - 0.55 mtr. Since the side wall is damaged, the well needs to be repaired with 1.0 mtr dia ring and may be deepened and cleaned. Besides patchwork repairing is required for ramp, parapet, drain etc.
11. In the back of Mrs Amina Bibi’s house (Mother - in - law of Mr. Hamid Ali, Councillor) at Dignabad, one English well is located with the following dimensions. Depth- 4.26 mtr, dia-1.50 mtr, Parapet-0.75 mtr. The well may be deepened and cleaned with needful patch repairing work.
12. Inside the house compound of Shri Kishen one Katcha well has been constructed. During the inspection, the well was found very shallow because of filling of soil and due to current incessant rain. This well may be developed into a ring well. During the observation it was seen that the well is having 1.72mtr depth, 0.95 mtr dia and 0.2 mtr parapet. Here a 1.5 to 2 mtr dia ring well , 8Mtr depth may be constructed with ramp and parapet (height 0.70Mtr) and side drain. This well water may be tested bacteriologically and chemically.
The Dhobi Diggi at Dignabad (Fig – 24) was visited and the following observations were made.Lot of people enter into this pond for bathing and washing and mainly it is used by the washer men.
The Dhobi Diggi at Dignabad (Fig – 24) was visited and the following observations were made.
Here 1.5 to 2 Mtr high retaining wall may be constructed and wire mesh may be fitted to protect the source. The pond may de-silted. The western face of the diggi is facing towards a sloping topography and lot of seepage takes place along the bottom. The western retaining/Guard wall may be repaired and the pond may be plugged in the western side from the hard rock bottom with 0.2 to 0.3 Mtr thick CC plug to stop percolation of water. This pond water may be utilized by the Municipality as a supply source of raw water for construction purpose. Further one pump may be installed after renovation.
14. Opposite to Nestle India Ltd. and Emerald Marketing service office one old well is located having the following dimensions. Depth 6.92 mtr., dia-3.25mtr parapet-8.5 mtr. Side wall of the well needs repair. Patch repair work may be taken up. One bathing complex has been proposed to be constructed by the Chairperson, PBMC.
15. One dug well was desired by Hon’ble M.P. inside the Tamil Medium, Senior Secondary School (Mohanpura). The dimension of the proposed well would be 3 mtr. dia, 8 mtr depth, and 0.7 mtr Parapet. Ramp and drain are to be constructed. The well may be located nearby the boundary wall adjacent to the old foundation stone and behind Marine Hall at Mohanpura.
16. Opposite to smti Nabisha Begum’s house two dug wells are recently constructed by Port Blair, Municipal Council. The dimension of the wells are:
Southern well Northern well near the toilet
Depth - 4.30mtr. Depth - 2.83 mtr
Dia-1.20mtr Dia - 1.20mtr
Parapet - 0.95mtr Parapet - 0.95mtr
In the southern well the residents are claiming for construction of footpath. These well water needs to be tested bacteriologically and chemically.
Ward No. 13. - Councillor : - Smti Nabisha Begum
The areas falling under ward No. 13 was inspected along with the councillor and AE(WS), PBMC and the following sources were recommended. Subsequent to the inspection a preliminary survey work was also made in the sources and the following recommendations were made.
1. Renovation of well source near the house of Shri Ramsevak at Dignabad
Present depth - 4.07 mtr, parapet - 0.85 mtr, dia (size) - 2.92 mtr. (Circular). The well (Fig – 25) needs cleaning and deepening. Parapet wall requires needful repair. Wire mesh with lock and key facilities may be provided. The sidewalls are totally damaged which needs to be repaired along with ramp and drain. Yield testing is to be carried out. The source water is to be bacteriologically and chemically tested for ascertaining the quality for any further use.
Adjacent to the Jama Masjid one old well is situated which is heavily used by the local residents for bathing and washing purposes. The dimensions are : Depth - 8.30 mtr, Dia - 2.45, Parapet - 0.65 mtr. The well is located on a high sloping ground. The drain, parapet and ramp needs patch repair, cleaning and deepening would be necessary.
Adjacent to the Jama Masjid one old well is situated which is heavily used by the local residents for bathing and washing purposes. The dimensions are : Depth - 8.30 mtr, Dia - 2.45, Parapet - 0.65 mtr. The well is located on a high sloping ground. The drain, parapet and ramp needs patch repair, cleaning and deepening would be necessary.
3. Inside the tourist cottage at Babu lane one small dia dug well is recently constructed which is having the following dimensions : Depth - 3.49 mtr, Dia - 1.0 mtr, Parapet - Nil. The well is covered with a lid and a small pump is fitted. Yield test may be carried out.
4. In front of the Ashique’s Ashyna at Babu lane, Dignabad one well is located whose particulars are as follows. Depth - 6.38 mtr, dia - 1.10 mtr, Parapet - 0.95 mtr. The ramp, parapet and drain needs repair. The well may be de-silted and cleaned.
5. In the low lying area near GCM press and Shri Krishna Swamy’s building one well has recently been constructed, There is a pump already fitted with the well. The yield testing may be carried out. Water sampling both for bacteriological and chemical test may be done.
6. One old well at Dignabad is located nearby the house of Shri D.Balaiah (Work Assistant, JE-I) at Sisty Nagar. The dimension of the well is as follows. Depth- 7.66Mtr, Dia-3.0Mtr, Parapet- 0.86Mtr, The well may be de-silted and cleaned. Patch work is needed for repair of ramp, drain and parapet.
7. One well is located near by the house of Smti Nibha Rani Das at Sisty Nagar. The dimensions of the well are : depth- 8.92 mtr dia- 3.05 mtr, parapet - 0.65 mtr. Many sewer drains are passing nearby. May be due to infiltration from the sewer, the colour of the dug well water is yellow (Fig. – 26). This is a mighty source needs to be upgraded and protected. It is reported that the Municipal pump cannot de-water the well. For this suitable Fire Brigade pump may be utilized. Further more there is a hole created for installation of pump which was not repaired. During the rain the drain water enters through the hole which should be repaired. After the yield test and needful civil work if it is observed that the filthy water infiltrates into the well, to stop this the well may be cemented at least up the 5 Mtr. If the water is entering into the well only from bottom potion then the cementation may be continued seeing the seepage face. The well needs to be cleaned and deepened and regularly bleaching powder is to be added. The well water should be tested bacteriologically and chemically forthwith. The sewer drains outlet which are moving around the well should be diverted through lined channels. Patch repair work of ramp, drain and parapet is required.
Ward No. 14 - Councillor - Shri C. Arjunan
The area falling under ward No. 14 was inspected in consultation with the councillor, along with Shri Parma Shivam (Councillor) and AE(WS), PBMC and the following sources were recommended. Subsequent to the inspection a Preliminary survey work was also made in the sources and following recommendations are made.
Integration of well sources near Stadium and Marina Park
There are four dug well sources located in the above mentioned area which may be integrated after making needful renovations, quality & yield testing along with construction of two new wells as recommended, for any specific purpose. Reportedly the water demand of the area for use in Ice factory, Swimming Pool and requirement in Youth Hostel is considerable which may be partially augmented from these sources. The sources with required renovation and new construction are as follows: -
1. Well source in the Fisheries Department Aquarium
Present depth - 2.99 mtr, parapet - 0.65 mtr dia (Size) - 1.55 mtr (Circular). The well needs cleaning. Wiremesh with lock and key facilities may be provided. The sidewall is to be repaired (Patch work needed). Yield testing is to be carried out. The source water is to be bacteriologically and chemically tested for ascertaining the quality for any further use. After ascertaining the quality and quantity data of the wells, the wells may be integrated with the wells as mentioned in the following paragraphs.
2. Well source near Light House restaurant
Present depth - 3.087 mtr, parapet - 0.81 mtr, dia(size) - 0.90 mtr (Circular). Wire mesh with lock and key facilities may be provided. Side wall, ramp and drain needs to be repaired (patch work needed). The source water is to be bacteriologically and chemically tested for ascertaining the quality for any further use. Tentative yield of the well is 23000 litres/day. After ascertaining the quality and quantity data of the wells, these wells may be integrated.
3. Well source at Netaji Stadium opposite to swimming pool
Present depth - 4.19 mtr, parapet - 0.75 mtr, dia (Size) - 1.65(Circular). The well (Fig – 27) needs cleaning. Wire mesh with lock and key facilities may be provided. Side wall, parapet, ramp and drain is to be repaired Tentative yield of the well is 32000 litres/day. The source water is to be bacteriologically and chemically tested for ascertaining the quality and quantity wherever required, these wells may be integrated alongwith the sources mentioned in Sl. No. 4 & 5.
4. Spring source opposite to velodrome recently developed may be tapped (approximate yield 1000 litres/day).
5. In addition to the above four source two more dug wells with following specification may be constructed in the following places.
(i). In the low lying ground, opposite to Lions Club Bus shed and also opposite to the Stadium well one new dug well may be constructed. Its depth will be 6 mtr and dia will be 2.5 mtr, parapet height may be maintained 0.7 mtr above ground level. Ramp and side drain with wire mesh on the parapet may be provided.
(ii) In the low lying ground near by Anidco Milk booth opposite to the Electricity Site office, one new dug well may be constructed. Its depth will be 6 mtr. and dia will 3 mtr to 3.5 mtr. parapet height may be maintained 0.70 mtr above ground level. Ramp, side drain with wire mesh may be provided.
All these sources may be integrated to meet the local demand.
6. One old well is located near Nehru Yuba Kendra and old Telephone Exchange. The dimension of the well is as follows. Depth - 5.48 mtr, dia - 1.95 mtr, parapet - 0.50 mtr. The well needs to be deepened and cleaned.
7. Near by the Mosque at supply line below PHED, APWD office, one old well is located. Its dimensions are : depth - 5.70 mtr, dia - 1.95 mtr, parapet - 0.50 mtr. The well reportedly dries up in summer. Deepening is required with cleaning and patch repair work. The well has recently been repaired.
8. Besides Sampat Lodge one English well is located. The Dimensions of the well are as follows : depth - 10.41 mtr, dia - 3.0 mtr, parapet - 0.70 mtr. It is observed that outlet of many drains carrying sewer and various discharges from Sampat Lodge is coming to the well campus and making the environment very much dirty and unhygienic. This should be look into immediately to protect the source. The sewer may be diverted. The well may be cemented upto 5 Mtr Depth, to stop infiltration of pollutants seeps immediately through the dilapidated ramp and side wall, The well may be cleaned and de-silted. The water is used to be tested bacteriologically and chemically. Bleaching powder should be added regularly. Patch repair work for drain and parapet ramp is required.
9. As per the discussion with the EE/PBMC and AE(Civil), a traverse was taken through the Marina park and surrounding for siting dug wells for watering the plant and gardening. On observation of the other well located in and around the beach it is recommended that 5 to 6 Nos. of dug well may be constructed along the rear end boundary wall of the Marina park near by the road. The wells should be cited at a distance of 30 to 40 mtr from each other. Depth and diameter of the wells would be 2.5 to 3 Mtr and 3 Mtr respectively. The dia may also be less keeping in view of the future plan of the garden.
Similarly in the backside of Velodrome and near the India Park , PBMC, a small patch of garden is located. These flowering plants are watered through the tankers. As per the request of PBMC this area was also observed. In this patch two wells 2.5 to 3 mtr dia and 4 to 5 mtr depth may be constructed within a distance of 30 to 40 mtr.
Ward No. 15 - councillor : - Shri M. Bose
The areas falling under ward No 15 was inspected along with the councillor and AE(WS), PBMC and the following sources were recommended. Subsequent to the inspection a Preliminary survey was also made in the sources and following recommendations are made.
1. Construction of one large dia well with subsurface dyke below the valley near Murugan Temple .
This is a very good perennial source (Fig – 28), needs to be further augmented with a well and a sub-surface dyke. Already one old well is located in the site. Recommendations are :
One surface dyke 24 mtr long, 0.3 to 0.5 mtr width and 3.5 mtr deep may be constructed nearly 8m down stream side of the present well to arrest the sub-surface flow. The depth may be increased if hard basement rock is not observed.
(i) The area should be cleared with a bush cutting.
One large dia (4.5 mtr) well, 6 mtr deep may be constructed having adequate weep holes with parapet height 1 mtr above ground level. Ramp and side drains are to be constructed. The well should be covered with wire mesh. The well may be located 3 mtr to 5 mtr upstream of the dyke.
One large dia (4.5 mtr) well, 6 mtr deep may be constructed having adequate weep holes with parapet height 1 mtr above ground level. Ramp and side drains are to be constructed. The well should be covered with wire mesh. The well may be located 3 mtr to 5 mtr upstream of the dyke.
(iii) Since there is possibility of sliding of the nallah so a retaining wall 14 mtr long, 3 mtr height and 0.5 mtr width may be constructed. The proposed well may be constructed 2 to 5 mtr away from the nallah.
2. The Councillor desired one dug well to be constructed in the low lying area behind the Murugan Temple . After making a visit to the area it is recommended that one dug well 4 to 4.5Mtr dia, 8Mtr Depth may be constructed in the low laying area below the Jamun Tree back side of Murugan Temple . One footpath may also be constructed. Ramp, Side drain and parapet is to be constructed.
3. One dug well is located near the Nallah below the Vanvasi Kalyana Ashram. the water level goes to the bottom during the peak summer. The area where the well is sited, is a hydrologically favorable location. The dimensions of the well are : depth - 4.30 mtr, dia-1.80 mtr, parapet- 0.40 mtr. The well is fitted with a pump and yield test may be taken up one footpath may be constructed upto the well. The depth of the well should be at least 8 Mtr. The dia of the well is to be increased upto 3 mtr. Ramp and drain are to be constructed.
4. Near by Munishswara Temple below the road plying towards Dilthaman tank and 50Mtr downstream of Shri B.Narayan’s house one dug well was existing, which is now covered with soil. The water availability in this area is good. As per the desire of the councillor one dug well with 1.5 to 2 mtr dia, 6 to 8 mtr depth packed with gravels/stone chips and sand as per the method, explained several times previously, may constructed with Ramp and parapet.
5. One Katcha well is located below the road towards the Dilthaman tank from Income tax office. The dimensions of the well are as follows : depth - 1.7mtr, dia - 2.0 mtr. The well needs to be developed, since there is no source available near by and the area is promising for tapping water. One dug well 1.5 mtr dia, 6 to 8 mtr depth with the arrangement of filtration through gravels/stone chips and sand media as discussed earlier may be constructed.
6. In front of Botanical survey of India Qtrs. one old well is located which has recently been renovated. The particulars of the well are as follows
Depth - 7.65 mtr, Dia - 1.90 mtr, parapet - 0.70 mtr. The side wall of the well is damaged which may be repaired with cement or with some lesser dia ring, No drain was constructed during the repair. This may be done. Deepening and cleaning of the well would increase its dependability.
7. Below the Botanical survey of India quarters one Nallah is flowing, which reportedly goes dry in peak summer. In the lower part of the Nallah near road junction, one small check weir is constructed to stop rolling gravels. The same has developed the sub surface availability of porous material for tapping ground water. If one check weir is constructed for recharging the sub surface material for ground water, augmentation, lot of raw water also will be harvested which can be utilized for construction purposes. After observing its dependability for restricting the sub surface flow one sub surface dyke 8 Mtr long 0.5 mtr width and 3.5 mtr depth may be constructed 2 mtr. upstream of the present check weir. One check weir 3.5 mtr (height including the foundation) and 20 mtr long as per design may be constructed in 20mtr upstream of the well. The weir may act both for recharging source and a possible supply source of raw water. One dug well may be constructed on the nallah cutting a part of sloping land. The well may be cited 3 to 5 Mtr up-stream of the dyke. The depth and the dia of the well would be 6 mtr and 4.5 mtr, the parapet height may be kept 1.2 to 1.5 mtr above the ground level. Ramp also may be constructed. After construction the yield test may be carried out to ascertain the pump capacity.
8. As per discussion with Hon’ble M.P and Chairperson, PBMC a traverse was also taken around the Fire Brigade and the Dilthaman diggi. It is learnt from CE, APWD that they have already taken up work of rejuvenation of old pumping system (Fig – 29) from Dilthaman tank. It is learnt from EE, PHED, APWD that in many place inside the catchment, sewer water infiltrates. For stopping this the sewer discharge may be collected through the good quality pipe and the same may be put into the closed recharging pit along the sloping land filled up with gravels and sand. The depth of such pit would be 8 to 10 mtr. From this pit the infiltration what the ground will receive will be filtered. The well of the pit would be sealed throughout only vertical percolation will be allowed. This would make the mighty Dilthaman tank water sources free from pollution. Besides massive dredging operation may be taken up to increase the capacity. Afterwards with much detailed study the rainfall recharging mechanism will be suggested which will develop the spring face along periphery of the tank in lower reaches and will give permanent perenniality to the tank with increase in ground seepage within the catchments area. During the preliminary traverse it was seen that the retaining cum side guard wall of the tank in many places is broken. In the southern part exit of the surplus pond water, lot of water is going percolation through the broken faces. This is to be repaired properly. Along the base of the spill way plugging is to be done to stop seepage of recharged ground water. The height of the spill way, may also be increased and a sluice gate may be constructed. In the lower part of Dilthaman, lot of water is going as subsurface seepage to the Murugan temple side. The subsurface flow may be stopped plugging the base of the tank from surface to the tank bed level by CC wall of 0.3 to 0.5 mtr thick right from the hard rock bottom. As per the request of RCD, APWD similar type of recommendation was given at Panighat tank and good result has been obtained. If the above recommendations are taken into consideration lot of improvement from the Dilthaman tank can be observed. The fire brigade diggi is well maintained so this water can be taken directly for filtration. However, PBMC may test the quality of water from both the Diggies.
Ward No. 16 - Councillor : - Shri Parma Shivam
The area falling under Ward No. 16 was inspected along with the councillor and AE(WS), PBMC and the following sources were recommended. Subsequent to the inspection a preliminary survey work was also made in the sources and following recommendations were made.
1. Renovation well of sources at South Point below the Mango Tree.
Present depth - 11.50 mtr, parapet - 0.95 mtr, dia (Size) - 3.5 mtr (Circular) .The well needs cleaning and deepening. Parapet wall requires needful repair. Wire mesh with lock and key facilities may be provided. The sidewells are to be repaired along with the ramp and drain. Yield testing is to be carried out. During the yield testing and desilting (deepening) the help of fire brigade pump is to be taken since the well is very deep. The source water is to be bacteriologically and chemically tested for ascertaining the quality for any further use.
2. The councillor desired dug well inside the R.K Park opposite to Ramkrishna Mission. In this regard a traverse was taken along the area. It is proposed that two dug wells may be constructed inside the park for its development. One well may be located near the store cum storage tank (at the roof) and along the boundary wall of JNRM. The depth and dia of the well will be 4.5mtr and 2.5 mtr. One more well may be constructed at a distance of 30mtr east of the first well having dia 2.5mtr and 3 to 3.5 mtr depth. The well after construction may be covered with wire mesh.
3. One perennial spring source is located on the road nearly 100 mtr from Mazhar, towards South Point (Fig – 30). The upstream area was inspected and it is contemplated that if sub surface flow is checked that entire water can be conserved. The spring source reportedly starts yielding insignificantly by April. In the low lying area one sub surface dyke 4 mtr long and 3.5 mtr depth and 0.3 to 0.5 mtr width may be constructed up to the hard rocks. If the hard rock is not obtained the depth may be increased. One 6 to 8 mtr deep dug well with 3 mtr dia may be constructed in the low lying area nearly 1.5 to 2 mtr upstream of the dyke. The parapet height may be kept 0.7 mtr above ground level with ramp and drain. Regarding the availability of site the Councillor may look into.
4. One old well is located near Shiva Temple at the low lying area near by small Nallah. The particulars of the well are as follows Depth - 5.60mtr, dia - 3.10mtr, parapet - 0.85 mtr. It is a good perennial source. The well may be depened upto 8 mtr. The side wall ramp yard and parapet needs patch repair. Cleaning of the well with yielding testing will be useful. Water samples is are to be analyzed bacteriologically and chemically.
5. Near the house of late Selvam close to Mazhar area one good perennial source is located whose particulars are as follwos. Depth - 5.18 mtr, Dia - 2.2mtr ×1.8mtr, parapet - 0.8 mtr. The well needs to be cleaned and deepened.
6. Inside the land of Md.Iqbal at Machi line near R.K.Mission one promising site has been located. The depth of the well would be 6 mtr and dia 4.5 mtr. Ramp and parapet with side drain are to be constructed. After the construction, yield test may be carried out along with quality testing.
Ward No.: 17 – Councillor - P. R. Ganeshan
The areas falling under ward No. 17 was inspected along with the councillor and AE(WS), PBMC and the following sources were recommended. Subsequent to the inspection a preliminary survey work was also made in the sources and following recommendations are made.
1. During the visit the councillor informed that in his ward the Brookshabad area is most water scarce pocket. where at least one good source should be sited so that the water supply augmentation can be done. In this regard the author has keenly visited the area. From the study it is revealed that perennial nallah (Fig – 31) sources is the promising area for tappng ground water. A traverse was taken along the Nallah and it is observed that no dug well sources can be sited there. Only by means of a check dam a good amount of water can be harvested for which a good catchment area was also seen. This project has been recommended to PBMC (Sl. No. 9) for further augmentation. In hard rock areas the stream courses are considered the favourable sites for constructons of bore wells. In this regard four 6 inch dia, (6´´×4´´) 50 mtr deep bore wells may be constructed in the area keeping a safe distance of 40 to 50 mtr. The wells should be constructed in the area in between confluence of two Nallah and the up stream of the Nallah flowing from the Brichgunj side along 200 mtr. distance. The wells should be constructed on exploration basis. If these sources are found successful it may form dependable base of water supply in the area.
All the above sites were selected with Shri K. Stalin and Shri Jaychandran of the water supply sub-division of PBMC for further visit to the sites their help may be taken.
1. Inside the Govt. primary school at Mazhar Pahar one well is located having the following particulars Depth - 4.46mtr, dia - 1.70 mtr, Parapet - 0.75mtr. The well may be cleaned and deepened and upto 8 mtr. Parapet, ramp and drain are to be constructed and repaired.
2. In the southern side of Mazhar the area possessed by Shompen Hotel is having good promise for tapping ground water has indicated by Geophysical survey carried out by CGWB. The dug well at Mazhar is also yielding very high to tune of 48,000 Ltrs per day. During the crisis period the surplus water may be supplied from the source in consultation with the Mazhar Committee, The councillor may look into the availability of land in the Southern part of Mazhar.
3. At the entrance of the Brookshabad after passing the stone crusher near by SB Motror works one perennial spring (Fig – 32) is located which may be developed. The dimension of the spring is depth-1.3mtr, dia - 4.5×2.5 mtr. The source may be developed with further deepening upto at least 1.5 to 2Mtr. The side wall may be covered by cement Hallow blocks, without disturbing the shape and there should be lot of weep holes in three sides except the road side. The bottom may be open, the parapet may be kept 0.4 to 0.5mtr above ground level, Ramp and side drain is to be constructed.
4. Below ALHW Qtrs under construction, adjacent to the road at Brookshabad one dug well is located having the following dimensions. Depth - 3.21mtr, parapet - 0.60mtr, dia - 1.25×1.5mtr. This source needs patch work in the form of parapet and drain repair and construction.
5. One spring source is located below the Kamraj School and the road approaches towards the Portblair Municipal Council Safai Karmachari Qtrs, at Brookshabad. The source is perennial. About 0.8LPS spring discharge is flowing out that may be conserved by means of pipe line to the down below spring source and intake well.
6. This is another spring source with much larger reservoir capacity. Its dimensions are : Depth - 2.20mtr, Dia - 4.9mtr × 3.65mtr, parapet 0.55mtr. The excess discharge from the upper spring source may be connected through a pipe line to the reservoir for augmentation of supply and to avoid water loss.
7. In Brookshabad old basti below old check dam two wells are located adjacently,
a) The well nearby Nallah :- the dimensions are depth - 5.12 mtr, dia - 2.7×2.55 mtr, Parapet - 0.35 mtr. The well may be cleaned and de-silted. This is a perennial source. Tentative yield of the well is 3277 litres/day.
b) The well near road 30mtr SW of first well. Depth - 5.12 mtr, dia - 2.25×2.6mtr, parapet - 1mtr The well reportedly dries up in summer. This is a water scarce pocket. Two bore wells may be constructed in the area on the Nallah bed. One may be constructed just after check dam and the other may be 30 mtr below the first bore well point. The bore wells may be drilled on exploration basis. The depth and dia of the bore well will be
(a) 30 mtr Depth, 4´´dia bore & 6´´ dia casing.
(b) 25mtr Depth 4´´ dia bore & 6´´ dia casing
8. Below Safai karmachari Qtrs at Broohshabad two dug wells are located just below the low lying area and the second one is in the eastern side of the former well located inside the proposed Pondichary University campus area. The particular of the wells are as under
Western Well Northern well
a) Depth - 4.24 mtr Depth - 3.36 mtr
b) Dia - 1.52 mtr Dia - 1.50 mtr
c) Parapet - 0.80 mtr Parapet - 0.80 mtr
These wells may be deepened, CGWB will recommend near by bore well sites for Portblair Municipal Council considering the heavy demand of water supply.
9. In the up hill/upstream side of the present APWD check dam two streams are meeting. In the area natural catchment is developed whose volume is considerable. Here if one more check dam is constructed good amount of water may be harvested for the locality. The length of the check dam would be 35mtr and 5 mtr height, including foundation. Leveling survey may be taken up in the area to ascertain the reservoir capacity.
10. In Shadipur area, nearby the house Shri. Kunjambu Mohammed in the low lying area (information was given by Shri Barkat Ali) one dug well may be constructed. The area is reportedly perennial. The depth and diameter of the well would be 8 mtr and 3 mtr respectively. Parapet, side drain and ramp are to be constructed.
Ward No. 18 - Councillor : - Smti. P. Raju
The area falling under ward No. 18 was inspected along with Shri Parmasivam, Chairperson, Water Subcommittee and AE(WS), PBMC and the following sources were recommended. Subsequent to the inspection a preliminary survey work was also made in the sources and following recommendations were made.
1. Construction of new well near by the proposed site for police quarters at New Pahargoan.
Present depth - 2.42 mtr, Parapet : Nil, dia (Size) - 1.5 mtr (Circular). One Katcha well was constructed at the above site during the peak summer of 2002. Reportedly this is the perennial source of water. In the site a new well with 4.5 mtr dia, 6 mtr depth with adequate weep holes may be constructed. The parapet height may be kept 0.7 mtr above ground level. Ramp and side drains are to be constructed. Wire mesh is to be provided.
2. Adjacent to the Carbyn’s cove - Prothrapur road while proceeding towards Mariamma temple one old well can be observed on the right side of the road. in front of Bharti Raja Auto Works (Fig – 33) in old Austinabad. This well never goes dry in summer The particulars of the well are as follows. Depth - 5.75 mtr, dia - 2.0mtr, parapet - 0.65mtr. This well may be deepened upto 8mtr. Cleaning is required. Drain and ramp is to be constructed. The parapet wall may be repaired.
3. One well in front of the Mariamma temple adjacent to the main road and Nallah has been constructed by the PBMC in the year 1999. The dimension of the well is as follows. Depth - 6.98 mtr, dia - 1.30 mtr, parapet - 0.80 mtr. The well may be cleaned and de-silted. Only patch repair work is needed in the well. Bleaching powder may be added in the well water.
4. In new Pahargoan area adjacent to the house of Mr. G.Chandran (Ex Chairperson, PBMC) in the low lying area, along the Nallah (in the eastern side) the area is effected by anthropogenic pollution. One Pucca drain is also flowing adjacent to the area. One katcha well is dug adjacent to the drain. Since the area is effected by serious water crisis, this well may be developed. In the area 2mtr×2mtr×4mtr deep dug well may be constructed encircling which at least 0.5 to 0.7 mtr thick gravels or pea size stone chips may be packed with sand so that the water is partially filtered before entering the well. The parapet height would be 2.5 mtr. Ramp and side drain may be constructed. The well spot is located near the house of Shri Krishnan. The height of the parapet is increased keeping in view of entering Nallah water into the well during rainy period.
5. In the lower side of the Nallah flowing along N-S direction, in the western side of Mr. Chandran’s house, similarly two Katcha wells are constructed along the Nallah on both side near the house of Shri Rajendran. Here two dug wells with 2mtr dia, 4 to 5 mtr depth may be constructed. The surroundings of the wells may be packed with gravels or pea size stone chips and sand for easy filtration. Anthropogenic pollution is quite high in the area which is to be prevented to tap safe ground water.
6. In the side of Murthy Babu’s house at New Pahargoan one dug well is already existing. The particulars of the well is as follows. Depth-4.5 mtr, dia-1.5×1.5 mtr, Parapet-0.70 mtr. The well may be de-silted and the rock as found in the bottom may be cut for deepening. Help of hand driller may be taken. The well may be cleaned. The parapet may be repaired. To increase the flow into the well one sub surface dyke, 9 mtr long, 3.5 mtr deep and 0.3 to 0.5 mtr thick (CC dyke) may be constructed on the Nallah bed to obstruct the sub surface flow. If hard rock is not obtained the depth of the dyke may be increased. The dyke may be sited within 3 to 6 mtr of the present well.
7. In the sloping area by the side of PBMC site office at new Pahargoan one Nallah is flowing. The drain is Katcha and carrying lot of sewer along it. The Pucca drain may be constructed at the earliest. In the spot one dug well 2 to 2.5 mtr dia, 7 mtr depth may be constructed with ramp, parapet and drain. The outer area of the ring may be packed with sand and gravels having 0.5 to 0.7 mtr thickness to get the water some what filtered. The filtration may also be done with two concentric dia ring of different diameter after packing the annular void with sand pea gravel or stone chips as earlier discussed.
8. In side the house campus of Shri. P.Pillai one Katcha well is constructed which is having the following particulars, depth-1.65mtr, dia-1.6mtr. This well may be converted into a ring well of 2 to 2.5 mtr dia, 7 mtr depth with parapet ramp and side drain. The filtration procedure as described earlier may be adopted, since the area is effected by severe sewer pollution and no concrete drain are available. The concrete drains may be constructed at the earliest in various parts of the ward.
9. Similarly adjacent to the house of Smti Sunita Devi one Katcha well is constructed on the Nallah, carrying lot of sewer. Because of non availability of profuse water for day to day use, the residents in the nearby house utilize this water. The area is affected by anthropogenic pollution. The particulars of the pit is as follows : - depth -1 mtr, dia-1.55 mtr. This is a perennial source. The drain should be made concrete forthwith to save the quality of the water under use by the residents. In the site one 2 mtr dia well, 8 mtr depth may be constructed with filtration arrangement as described for several times.
10. In New Pahargoan area near by the house of Shri G Chandran one Katcha dug well is located near by the drain, where chances of sewer pollution is less. The depth of the well is 1.05 mtr, dia - 2.15 mtr. The well is located in a lower slope of Shri Chandran’s house and located near by a drain. Here 2 mtr dia dug well, 8 mtr depth with ramp, parapet and side drain is suggested along with filtration arrangement as mentioned before.
11. Adjacent to the road and below the house of Shri N.Biswas (AE-Agri) near by the rain tree, in the low lying area one 2 mtr dia well, 8 mtr deep may be constructed with filtration arrangement as described earlier.
12. In the low lying portion nearby a pucca drain and the house of Shri G.C. Seal, one Katcha well is constructed on the eastern bank of the Nallah. Here one 2mtr dia well 8 mtr deep with all filtration arrangement may be constructed.
13. In the lower part of the Nallah nearly 30 to 40 mtr down stream one more Katcha well is constructed by the residents and many houses are depending on it for its daily use. Here also 1.5 to 2 mtr dia dug well 8 mtr deep with filtration arrangement may be constructed.
14. This is an water scarce pocket (Fig-34). In the sloping land in the west of the ground, a Nallah is flowing below a Kasuarina tree in the north of Shiva temple ground . One well 3 mtr dia, 8 mtr depth, with ramp and parapet and side drain may be constructed.
15. In the sloping land located in the northern side of the Austinabad road, a Nallah is flowing from New Pahargoan side. In the open ground one Shri. V.K.Singh has constructed his house. in the west of this house in the low lying ground near by the nallah one 4 to 4.5 mtr dia well, 6 to 8 mtr depth may be constructed with parapet ramp and side drain.
16. Similarly in the opposite side of the Nallah one two storied new building is constructed whose top roof is covered by tin. In the east of that house in the low land near Nallah one dug well 4 to 4.5 mtr dia and 6 to 8 mtr depth may be constructed with ramp, drain and parapet.
17. One perennial diggi is situated in the northern side of the siva temple ground near by the land allotted to police department. Reportedly the water of the pond never dries up in summer. During rainfall it receives lot of surface runoff from the adjacent catchments. The diggi should be desilted and 1.5 to 2.00 m high retaining wall should be constructed in all sides alongwith wire mesh fencing to protect the source from anthropogenic pollution.
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